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Auszug aus dem Kampfkunstlexikon:

AKS- Germany Chi Do Kwan Karate Do



Das Team der ersten Stunde

Dr. Robert Debelak heute 6. Dan - Andreas Modl heute 8. Dan - Mike Sullenger heute 9. Dan 

Robert Debelak war der erste Trainer von A. Modl im AKS-Stil, die gesamte technische Ausbildung und schließlich die  Danprüfung  vom heutigen Bundesreferenten gehen auf sein "Konto"!!!

Vielen Dank für die Geduld!! 

Mike Sullenger unterstützte die Gründung von  AKS-Germany mit allen nur erdenklichen Hilfen 

Michigan 2000, Begründer AKS-Germany


Die ersten Danprüflinge innerhalb des Deutschen Karate Verbandes


im Trainingscamp in Caldetes Spanien

J. U. Frank heute 3. Dan AKS, Bundesprüfer

A. Kunze heute 4. Dan AKS, 2. Dan Wado Ryu, Bundesprüfer

J. Modl heute 5. Dan AKS, 5. Dan Wado Ryu, Bundesfrauenreferentin, Bundesprüferin 

F. Siegmund heute 7. Dan AKS, 7. Dan Wado Ryu, Landesreferent Wado Ryu Thüringen, Bundesprüfer


Glaubt ja nicht wir wären immer ernst

Seit 1982 ein gemeinsames Ziel! Viel Arbeit aber auch viel Spaß!

Dr. Robert Debelak, Andreas Modl, Prof. Mike Sullenger, Andreas Kunze, Frank Siegmund und

Jens Uwe Frank in den USA zum Summercamp


Major Mike A. Sullenger zur Zeit der Gründung von AKS-Germany

noch im aktiven Dienst in Deutschland

Mike Sullenger, Fred Reinecke, Dave Thomas, Heinrich Reimer, Tom Twining und Andreas Modl sind mit dem 9.,9., 8., 8., 8. und 8. Dan die höchstgraduiertesten aktiven Lehrer in der gesamten Stilrichtung weltweit.


Besuch Summer Camp

2000 in Michigan


Wer bei den Bildern vom privaten Botraining genau 

hinschaut, sieht das immer einer abgucken muß!!!


Das ist euer höchster Danträger??   

Komisch so hoch ist der doch gar nicht!!!!  

(Für das Bild wird sie mich würgen!! Der Redakteur)



Alles in allem, eine ziemlich gut gelaunte Truppe



Andreas Kunze 3. Dan Viedeocamera-Prüfung bestanden!!


               Wieso sehe ich nichts....???                                            Schon wieder die Camera kaputt.......


Zur Geschichte des American Karate System in Deutschland

Nun die Entwicklung dieses Karatestils in Deutschland ist ausgesprochen interessant und eigentlich hatte niemand der Beteiligten damit gerechnet, das wir einmal an der Stelle ankommen würden, wo wir im Augenblick stehen.

Zum besseren Verständnis muss ein wenig ausgeholt werden, genauer gesagt in das Jahr 1978. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt waren einige Personen bei der US-Air Force in Deutschland stationiert, die zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt ganz entscheidend dazu beitragen würden, das AKS sich in seiner heutigen Form in Deutschland etabliert hat.

Die beiden wichtigsten Leute von amerikanischer Seite waren Major Prof. Mike Sullenger und Dr. Robert Debelak, von der deutschen Seite Andreas Modl. Alle drei waren ausgesprochen Karatebegeistert und lernten sich über das Militär kennen. Sie haben AKS sozusagen nach Deutschland importiert und gelten heute als die Begründer von AKS-Germany. Zunächst wurde ausschließlich in den amerikanischen Kasernen trainiert und nur wenige Deutsche hatten die Möglichkeit an diesen Übungsstunden teilzunehmen.

Das änderte sich 1980 mit der Gründung des Hessian Karate Club, also dem ersten öffentlichen AKS Club in Deutschland. Dieser Club wurde damals von Robert Debelak geleitet.

Hier sind wir eigentlich schon an dem Punkt angelangt an dem ich die Bühne des AKS betrat. Mehr durch Zufall muss man sagen, denn an einem Trainingsabend in meinem Wado Ryu Dojo, kam eine junge und eigentlich unscheinbare Frau zum Trainingsbeginn in die Halle und fragte, ob sie am Training teilnehmen könnte. Zum damaligen Zeitpunkt wusste ich noch nichts über AKS, geschweige denn hatte ich jemals jemanden gesehen, der eine so exotische Stilrichtung betreibt. Da ich allerdings schon immer eine recht offene Ansicht über alles was mit Kampfkunst zu tun hat hatte, war das für mich wirklich überhaupt kein Problem. Nach dem Training sah ich mich in meiner Meinung bestätigt, das man immer vorurteilfrei an alles herantreten soll. Die junge Dame zeigte sich als äußerst talentiert und besaß einen ziemlich hohen Wissensstand für einen 5. Kyu Blaugurt. Ich lud sie ein, so lange sie sich in unserer Stadt befindet, weiter zu den Übungsstunden zu kommen. Also eigentlich war es genau genommen diese junge Frau, die den „Stein“ ins rollen brachte. Sie brachte eines Tages ihren Schwager mit zum Training, der gleichzeitig ihr Lehrer war. So lernte ich Robert Debelak kennen, den schlagfertigsten Prediger den man sich vorstellen kann, soviel ist sicher. Dieser Mann beeindruckte mich dermaßen durch seine freundliche und entgegenkommende Art, das ich mir gedacht habe, damit beschäftige ich mich doch mal ein bisschen intensiver.

Es folgten einige Turniere und Meisterschaften die mit sehr viel Spaß und Gastfreundschaft verbunden waren. Es entwickelte sich schnell eine intensive Freundschaft und eines Tages kam von Robert Debelak die Frage an mich, ob ich ihm nicht Wado Ryu lehren könnte. Meine Antwort war „Auf gar keinen Fall, außer Du bringst mir AKS bei.“ Nun, er hat zugesagt. Das war eigentlich der Anfang vom AKS in Deutschland in seiner heutigen Form. Wir alle können also Roberts Schwägerin Ulrike Stein sehr dankbar sein, denn eigentlich war sie die Begründerin von AKS-Germany.


Viele dieser Aufnahmen sind wirklich alt! Die Qualität ist zum

Teil sehr schlecht, aber wir wollten sie in der History

Abteilung nicht vorenthalten, sie sind nun mal Geschichte!

Sprungdemonstration links Tobi-Sokuto von Andreas Modl 

Sprungdemonstration rechts Ushiromawashitobigeri von Dimitrios Kiriakidis

1984 Karatelehrgang in Niedersachsen

Quelle: TAH

AKS Freundschaftsturnier 

US Air Force Hessisch Oldendorf 1987


Hanbo Jutsu – Kampfkunst-Training mit dem kurzen Stock

Dieses Buch aus der Reihe "Stilrichtungen Spezial" befasst
sich mit dem Handling und den Grundlagen der Kampfkunst Hanbo Jutsu, dem Umgang mit dem kurzen Stock, als Teil der Kobudo Künste.

Aus dem Inhalt:

- Grundlagen mit dem Hanbo
- Vorbereitungsübungen
- Hanbojutsu Technik
- Hanbo Partnerformen
- Würfe
- Selbstverteidigung
- Fallschule
- Kata

Das Buch ist damit ein umfangreicher Leitfaden für den
Einstieg in diese außergewöhnliche Kampfkunst.



19,95 € (inkl. gesetzl. MwSt.)

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3.95 €


sofort verfügbar




Prüfungsordnung AKS

AKS Die offiizielle Prüfungsordnung der Karate-Stilrichtung AKS-Germany!
von AKS-Bundesreferent Andreas Modl, 7. Dan AKS

Die Karate-Stilrichtung > American Karate System < (AKS), die in Deutschland erst seit 1997 im Deutschen Karateverband e.V. bzw. Karateverband Niedersachsen e.V. gelehrt wird, gewinnt hierzulande mehr und mehr Freunde. Dazu hat sicher der ungewöhnlich große Anteil der Selbstverteidigungstechniken und die sehr anspruchsvollen und vielfältigen Inhalte dieser Stilrichtung beigetragen.

Beim AKS handelt es sich um eine etwas andere Karate-Stilrichtung. Viele Karateka trainieren AKS-Techniken als Ergänzung zu Ihrer ursprünglichen (japanischen) Stilrichtung, andere trainieren ausschließlich AKS-Karate.

Dieses erste deutsche Buch zum American Karate System gibt einen groben Überblick über das System und enthält dazu die komplette Prüfungsordnung. Die wichtigsten Techniken sowie die ersten drei AKS-Kata werden mit Bildern dargestellt. Das Buch stellt ein somit ein kompaktes und übersichtliches Grundlagenwerk dar.

Aus dem Inhalt:

Technische Grundlagen
Kata Taeyoko, Shodan, Nidan in Einzelbildern
Prüfungsprogramm 9. - 1. Kyu
Prüfungsprogramm 1. - 6. Dan
Waffen im AKS

Format: DIN A5, 85 Seiten, über 150 Fotos

Quelle: Budokonzept Deutschland



Kono - Der Weg zum Schwarzgurt

Die Wado-Ryu-Bibel. Der große Klassiker in der deutschen Karate-Literatur: Teruo Kono: Der Weg zum Schwarzgurt 300 Seiten, 1800 Fotos, viele Skizzen Ein unvergleichliches Buch über den Weg des Karate-Do. Aus dem Inhalt: - Geschichte des Karate - Was ist Karate - Die fünf Elemente des Karate - Shingi Ichinyo - Dan-Graduierungen - Shuhari - Handstellungen - Fußstellungen - Angriffs- und Abwehrtechniken - und -Kombinationen - Vitale Punkte - Kumite - Gymnastik - Übungsformen - Begrüßung und Meditation - Fachbegriffe - ....und vieles weitere mehr! Der Karateka, der sein Karate bereichern möchte, findet hier einen echten Schatz von Anwendungen und Inspirationen!!

Quelle: Budokonzept Deutschland Preis 39,- €


Kono - Der Weg des Schwarzgurtes

Teil II des großen Klassikers in der deutschen Karate-Literatur: Teruo Kono: Der Weg des Schwarzgurtes 264 Seiten, viele Fotos, Skizzen und Abbildungen. Ein unvergleichliches Buch über den Weg des Karate-Do, basierend auf das Wado-Ryu Karate. Aus dem Inhalt: - Gedanken zum Karate-Do - Darstellung einiger Prinzipien - Besonderheiten der Kata - Aspekte des Kihon - Umsetzung im Jiyu Kumite - Dan-Prüfungsprogramm des Wado-Ryu - Hinweise für Trainer - Freikampftechniken - Betrachtungen zum Budo - Fachbegriffe - ....und vieles weitere mehr! Der Karate-Meister, der sein Karate bereichern möchte, findet hier einen echten Schatz von Anwendungen und Inspirationen!!

Quelle: Budokonzept Deutschland Preis 39,- €


Das Kampflexikon

Das Kampfkunstlexikon schlechthin...ausführliche neutrale Darstellungen der einzelnen Systeme. Ein muss für jeden Bücherschrank von Kampfkunstinteressierten. Der Autor Guido Sieverling hat selbst Stand 2009,  25 Jahre Kampfkunsterfahrung. Man kann ihn also zu den Insidern zählen. Sehr interessantes Buch mit schönen Fotodarstellungen.

Quelle: AKS Germany 

Auszug aus dem Kampflexikon:

AKS- Germany Chi Do Kwan Karate Do

American Karate System

http://aks-germany.de/sullenger_files/master-level-belt.jpg" width="1%"> http://aks-germany.de/sullenger_files/master-level-belt.jpg" width="1%">
Gastprüfer des DKV Deutscher KarateverbandMichael A. Sullenger
American Karate System
Chief Instructor
9th Degree Black Belt

2008 Academy of Masters
Masters Hall of Fame Inductee
Golden Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient
Founding Member of the Academy of Masters and Masters Hall of Fame
Return to Membership Directory

Mike is a native Hoosier, having been born in Indianapolis and raised in Vincennes, Indiana.   Mike is the Chief Instructor of the American Karate System, and a member of the AKS Board of Advisors.He started his martial arts training at the age of 12 in 1960.   Over the years Mike has studied Judo, Jujitsu, Hapkido, Shotokan, Issinhryu, Chung Do Kwan Tae Soo Do, and Tang Soo Do Mu Da Kwan.   He joined Mr. Lieb's organization in 1972 and was one of the 13 orginial schools/instructors who assisted in founding the AKS.   Mike continues to be a steadfast supporter of the AKS and its goals to this day.

In the above picture, taken shortly after Mike had reported to his new duty assignment in southern Spain, we find him executing one of his rare jump flying side kicks.   Because Mike has always been stocky and muscular, one of his first instructors, Mr. Dennis Callahan, had told Mike, "elephants don't fly."   As that seemed to be somewhat of a challenge, Mike worked on a few jumping kicks just to be able to say, and demonstrate, that anything is possible. Mike competed in his first tournament, as an under black belt competitor, in May of 1966 in Jhoon Rhee's championships in Washington DC winning his first three matches before a one point loss.   He participated in his last competion in Germany in April of 1987 walking away with a black belt senior forms trophy.   Over those 21 years he managed to win more in black belt forms than in fighting, though he managed to hold his own in that event.   During his first competion as a black belt, having just returned from Spain where he'd earned his 2nd Dan in Tang Soo Do Mu Duk Kwan, Mike competed in Kang Rhee's Memphis Tennessee Karate Tournament in November of 1970.   He won first place in heavy weight sparring and third place in the black belt grand championships, having risen to the top over such top competitors as Fred Wren, Steve Smith and Parker Shelton.   During the 1973-74 time frame, while living in South Bend Indiana, his winning streak in forms was such that he was the top forms competitor for the AKS and the number two forms competitor for the AKA.  It wasn't unsual for him to depart from a weekend competion having won first place in forms and somewhere between first and third in fighting.

The picture on the left was taken at the University of Texas - Pan American field house in November of 1975 during the first of two tournaments Mike ran on behalf of the Air Force ROTC detachment.   In this picture Mike is executing a step across side kick through 5 one inch boards.   Look closely, you won't find any spacers between those boards.   In the picture on the right, Mike is caught in mid execution of a a hook kick to one of his students, Candelario (Candy) Arteaga, in the park at Edinburg Texas where Mike conducted classes from 1974 through 1976. Mike was an airman during the Vietnam time frame (10/66 to 10/70).   During his first assignment at Sheppard AFB in Whicita Falls, Texas, he met and married the former Maria Juanita Lara.   He and Janie (as she likes to be called) were stationed in southern Spain in the city of Sevilla.   It was here that Mike began teaching classes in karate (Chung Do Kwan)at a local Judo school.   Mike's karate classes were the first to be taught in Sevilla in the middle 60s, and possibly the whole of southern Spain.   After being discharged from the Air Force, Mike and Janie went back to the states and stayed at her parents home in south Texas where he began attending Pan American University and working fulltime as a police officer.   He also started the first karate club at the university.

In the above picture Mike is seen executing a spinning back kick through several boards during the half time of one of Pan American University's seasonal home games.  This was in the spring of 1972, just a couple of months before Mike returned to Indiana to help a friend open a karate school in South Bend, Indiana.   It was later that same year Mike and Ernie met for the first time.   In the picture on the right Mike is teaching one of the many classes that took place in Rohden and Hessisch-Oldendorf, Germany during his first assignment there.  It was these first classes that set the stage for the eventual establishment and recognition of the AKS by the German Karate Union (known as the DKV). After graduating from the university with a BS in Criminal Justice Administration, Mike received a commission in the Air Force as a 2nd lieutenant and returned to active dury as a Security Police officer.   During the next 16+ years Mike was stationed in Oklahoma, Germany (twice), Illinois (twice), England and Alabama.  He continued to train and teach at each of these locations.   His first assignment to Germany in 1979 sewed the seeds that resulted in today's AKS presence and recognition by the German Karate Union of the only non-oriental karate system, the AKS.  During many of his assignments Mike conducted classes for law enforcement officers (both civilian and military) in "come along" tactics and techniques, and the principles of "use of force" doctrine.From 1971 to the present, Mike has been involved in law enforcement.  During the 16 years he was a commissioned officer he was also involved in various levels of security, to include physical security, industrial security, counter-terrorism planning and preparations, personnel & VIP security/protection, and operations security.  Mike and Janie lived in Europe during much of the period when anti-American sentiment and terrorist attacks were mounted against the U.S. presence there.  Mike has been on three different major command staffs (2 Air Force & 1 Army) and has been a chief of police twice and an assistant chief three times. Mike and Janie retired from the Air Force in June of 1993 and took up residence in the lower Rio Grande Valley of South Texas.  This allowed Janie to be close to her parents for the first time in more than 16 years. Since retiring to South Texas Mike has continued to teach and work with martial artists striving to improve their knowledge and abilities.  From 1994 until 1999 Mike was responsible for authoring and publishing the AKS newsletter "The Punchline."  In April of 2000 Mike launched the AKS web site.  The reaction to the site has been promising and rewarding.  Both old and new students have found their way into membership with the AKS.  Mike also continues to author articles of opinion and insight for the The Punchline.  In addition to these areas he also runs a counsulting firm for small businesses in a variety of areas of management, supervision and security.

Above are the two black belts Mike has promoted over the years who've remained loyal to both the AKS and their friend and instructor.Pictured above left, Mike and J. D. "John" Hunt stand after JD was presented his 2nd Dan in Karate, which also included his membership in the AKS.  This took place on the occassion of Virgil Perkin's (6th Dan AKS) final sparring blow out in Carmel, Indiana, on a Saturday morning in September of 1991.  JD thought he was going to meet Mr. Lieb and some of the other senior black belts in the AKS.  He had no idea Mike had set up his review for black belt and assimulation into the AKS.The picture above right is Mike with his senior student, Rob Debelak.  Rob started with Mike in Germany in early 1980, eventually earning his black belt in the AKS and taking over the Hessisch-Oldendorf Karate Club.  It was through Rob that contact was initially made with Andreas Modl, a black belt in Wado Ryu who became Rob's student and leads the AKS in Europe today as the System's director.  JD has also played a key role by working with Mike to compile and publish the AKS' first official student handbook.  He and Mike are currently working on an updated newer version for the new millenium.  It's students like these two who make all the efforts and hard work that goes into teaching worthwhile.  There are a lot of instructors who can boast having numbers of black belt students, but few can say they have students and friends as loyal and as good of friends as Mike has with Rob and JD.  They have both been blessings to him.

The above newspaper clipping is from May of 1975.  Pictured from left are David Aguilar, myself, Joe Gonzales, and Candelario Arteaga.  Today, David Aguilar is the Chief of the U.S. Border Patrol.  He had earned his brown belt with the A.K.S. and would have tested for his black belt had he not reported for training as a federal agent with the border patrol.


BS in Criminal Justice Administration, Pan American University, Edinburg, Texas 1976MS in International Relations, (emphasis in Terrorism, extra hours in Criminal Justice) Troy State University, Wiesbaden, Germany 1987(Additional studies in Criminal Justice and Police Administration took place while in residence at the University of Southern California in 1981, and at Northwestern University in 1983)
<o:smarttagtype namespaceuri="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" name="country-region"></o:smarttagtype><o:smarttagtype namespaceuri="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" name="State"></o:smarttagtype><o:smarttagtype namespaceuri="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" name="City"></o:smarttagtype><o:smarttagtype namespaceuri="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" name="place"></o:smarttagtype>

    • 1st Dan Chong Do Kwan Tae Soo Do, Sheppard AFB, TX May 1968
    • 2nd Dan Tang Soo Do Mu  Duk Kwan Madrid Spain, Sept 1970
    • 3rd Dan American Karate System, Muskegon, MI August 1973
    • 4th Dan American Karate System, Chicago April 1978
    • 5th Dan American Karate System, Indianapolis, IN July 1984
    • 6th Dan American Karate System, Master level Toledo,  December 1991
    • 7th Dan American Karate System, Assistant Chief Instructor Muskegon, MI, June 2000
    • 7th Dan American Karate System, Assistant Chief Instructor, A.K.S. Advisory Board, A.K.S. World Council Member, 2004
    • 8th Dan American Karate System, Assistant Chief Instructor, A.K.S. Advisory Board, A.K.S. World Council Member, Muskegon, MI, June, 2005
    • 8th Dan American Karate System, Chief Instructor, following death of Ernest H. Lieb, September, 2006
    • 9th Dan American Karate System, Chief Instructor A.K.S., Muskegon July, 2007

Pictured above are (from left to right) Ernie Lieb 10th Dan, Dr. Guesslar Normand 6th Dan, Virgil Perkins 6th Dan and Mike on the occassion of his 6th Dan test in Toledo Ohio, December of 1991.  Ernie had kept it quiet that he intended to review both Guesslar and Virgil for their 5th Dans at that time.  That morning, before going to the Toledo YMCA where Guesslar had been teaching classes for several years, the two unsuspecting gentlemen enjoyed a healthy breakfast, while Mike kept it light as he was anticipating several hours of rigorous review under Ernie's ever watchful and critical eye.  Suffice it to say it was a long morning for a couple of well fed black belts.

Mike Sullenger with Hall of Fame Award In August, 2008, in recognition of his untiring commitment to the martial arts community and his superlative teaching effectiveness, Major (USAF ret) Michael A. Sullenger AKS Chief Instructor, 9th Dan was inducted into the Master's Hall of Fame at the Anaheim Hilton in Riverside, California. Hall of Fame Trophy

Golden Lifetime Achievement Award Group Picture
He was also awarded the "Golden Lifetime Achievement Award" and was named a "Founding Member of the Academy of Masters and Masters Hall of Fame."  Along with that award, the American Karate SystemSM is now a founding member as well.
Soke David Dye - Samurai Cop of Los Angeles
The Awards event included mini seminars conducted by some of Martial Art's most notable artists.  Among them were Soke David Dye.  His style is Shuyokan-Ryu.   He's known as the "Samurai Cop of Los Angeles."Another session was conducted by Cane Master Mark Shuey Sr., founder of Cane Master International Association who was very well-versed on using the cane in both offensive and defensive techniques.Pictured (L. to R.)
Roy Almanza Jr., Soke David Dye, Hanshi Dan Hect (Director of the Awards Event), and Hanshi Mike Sullenger
Shihan Luis Salseda
Next was a grappling session conducted by Shihan Luis Salseda (Lethal Control, LLC and instructor at the Los Angeles Police Department's Police Academy).Pictured (L. to R.)
Hanshi Mike Sullenger, Shihan Luis Salseda
and Roy Almanza Jr.
Bill - super foot - Wallace And last but not least, a martial artist very well known to all, was none other than Bill "Superfoot" Wallace.As stated by Roy Almanza Jr. 2nd Dan, A.K.S.,, "If I had to compare him (Bill Wallace) to someone just as great, it would be our great Founder, Mr. Lieb.   Mr. Lieb always had a great sense of humor outside the dojo.   He (Mr. Lieb) also was a very humble man who always enjoyed talking about everything and anything.   Mr. Wallace is the same way." Pictured (L. to R.)
Hanshi Mike Sullenger, Bill "Superfoot" Wallace
and Roy Almanza Jr.

Military History
* USAF Basic E-1, Lackland AFB, San Antonio, Texas
October through November 1966. * 3750 Base Supply E-2, Sheppard AFB, Whichita Falls, Texas
December 1966 to June 1968. * Base Aerea de Morron De La Frontera AB E-3, Spain
July 1968 to October 1970. * USAF Security Police Academy 2Lt, Lackland AFB, Texas
February 1977 through April 1977. * OIC AWAC Security 2Lt, Tinker AFB, Midwest City, Oklahoma
May 1977 to June 1979. * Chief of Security Police Capt
Hessisch-Oldendorf AS, Hessisch-Oldendorf, Germany
June 1979 to December 1981. * Military Airlift Command
(staff officer for Air Base Ground Defense)Capt, Scott AFB, Illinois
December 1981 to December 1982. * Assistant Chief of Security Police
(Operations Officer) Capt, Scott AFB, Illinois
January 1983 through May 1983. * Air Force Communications Command
Security Police Operations Officer-Capt, Scott AFB, Illinois
May 1983 to July 1984. * Assistant Chief of Police
(Operations Officer) Capt, 20th Security Police Squadron
RAF Upper Heyford, United Kingdom
August 1984 to October 1985. * 7100 Combat Support Wing
(Director of Security Police Planning)Capt, Lindsey AB, Wiesbaden, Germany
October 1985 to June 1988. * U.S. Army Military Police Command Headquarters and school
USAF Security Police Exchange Officer-Major, Fort McClellan, Alabama
June 1988 to June 1990. * Chief of Security Police
and Commander SP Squadron-Major, Chanute AFB, Illinois
June 1990 to May 1993. * Retired, June 1993, Major USAF


Major Michael A. Sullenger, Retired Willacy County Deputy Sheriff Michael A. Sullenger Cameron County Sheriff Deputy, Michael A. Sullenger
Major Michael A. Sullenger Retired Willacy County Deputy Sheriff
Michael A. Sullenger
Cameron County Deputy Sheriff
Michael A. Sullenger

Since retiring from the Air force, Mike has continued in law enforcement with the Willacy County Sheriff's Department, first as the chief jail administrator and later as a member of the reserve.  He is currently the training Sergeant and Range Master for the Willacy County Sheriff's Department.Mike is also a member of the Cameron County Sheriff's Department serving as a basic deputy and trainer for Cameron County. Mike worked with South Texas Community College in McAllen as the director of a grant from the Department of Labor, while also teaching American and Texas government as an adjunct professor.When the grant ran out in December of 2000, he moved to the other side of the South Texas Rio Grande Valley to become a fulltime professor at Texas State Technical College, where he continues to this day.  Mike's teaching responsibilities at TSTC revolve around American and Texas government.  He teaches the aspects of the history and evolution of our country and the State of Texas, while also including examples and discussions about the differences of the early years with those of today.  With the various arguments between the left and the right (liberal/socialists and conservatives) it makes for some challenging talks between those who claim beliefs on those respective ideals.Mike has also begun teaching karate classes at the college during the Fall and Spring semesters.  His deputy sheriff responsibilities also took on a broader area of responsibility when he became the departments training and range sergeant for both reserve and active personnel.

Family of Major Mike Sullenger

Pictured above are the members of my family:
From left to right, my wife, Janie, my oldest daughter, Erica and her younger sister, Michelle.
Hello !   from "The Sullengers' "

Martial Arts Historical Profile

American Karate System

http://aks-germany.de/sullenger_files/master-level-belt.jpg" width="1%"> fred with sia http://aks-germany.de/sullenger_files/master-level-belt.jpg" width="1%">

Frederic A. Reinecker
American Karate System

Chief Instructor
Chief Weapons Instructor
9th Degree Black Belt


Frederic A. Reinecke, 9th Dan, is the Chief Instructor of the American Karate System, and a member of the AKS Board of Advisors.  Fred was unanomously selected in 2017 as Chief Instructor upon Mike Sullenger's decision to step-down due to health reasons.  Fred also has the dubias honor of being the "official" AKS photographer.

A Muskegon, Michigan native, Mr. Reinecke's young adult years prompted him to seek a method of self-defense.  In the year following his graduation from high school, Mr. Reinecke was attacked on two different occassions.  Though the injuries were minor, both incidents took their toll, leaving him with a keen desire to learn how to defend himself.

Soon after joining the United States Army, Fred saw his first Bruce Lee movie and was inspired (as were countless others in this era).   In 1973, while still employed by Uncle Sam, he was sent to an assignment in the Republic of South Korea.  It was during this tour of duty that Fred really got involved in the martial arts.  Upon completion of his time in Korea Fred returned the U.S. as a newly certified Black Belt in Jin Moo Kwan - Tae Kwon Do.

After his discharge from the U.S. Army, Mr. Reinecke returned to Muskegon, Michigan.   In 1975 he started taking classes at Muskegon Community College (MCC).   It was here he met Mr. Lieb who was conducting classes in the American Karate System.


breaking demo 1983

breaking demo 85


Following his graduation from Central Michigan University, where Mr. Reinecke had transfered to finish his degree program, he returned to Muskegon.   He assumed the teaching responsibilities from Mr. Lieb, and has been the American Karate Instructor for the Muskegon Community College classes since 1980.  Fred also taught classes through Orchard View Continuing Education from 1990 to the present.

michigan aau 85 holland mi 1985  


Fred has been an active competitor from 1976 to the present, winning more than 100 trophies and awards.  Among these accomplishments are six Grand Championships.  During the 1996-97 time frame, Fred was rated among the top 5 black belt competitors in senior fighting and forms by the Michigan Karate Circuit.  In August of 1998, Sport Karate International Magazine rated Mr. Reinecke 3rd Internationally, 2nd in the U.S. and 1st in Michigan in Senior Black belt Men's fighting.  Fred enjoys competing even today and is a regular at many of the Michigan tournaments.



hastings mi 1983    
Martial Arts Historical Profile


1st Dan  Jin Moo Kwan - Tae Kwon Do - 1974

2nd Dan  American Karate System - 1977

3rd Dan  American Karate System - 1980

4th Dan  American Karate System - 1984

5th Dan  American Karate System - 1989

6th Dan  American Karate System - Master Level - 1995

7th Dan  American Karate System - Assistant Chief Instructor - 2000

7th Dan  American Karate System - Assistant Chief Instructor
     A.K.S. Advisory Board, A.K.S. World Council Member, Muskegon Michigan - 2004

8th Dan  American Karate System - Assistant Chief Instructor
     A.K.S. Advisory Board, A.K.S. World Council Member, Muskegon, MI - 2005

9th Dan  American Karate System - Chief Instructor
     A.K.S. Advisory Board, A.K.S. World Council Member, Muskegon, MI - 2017

aka grandnat 83  


Mr. Reinecke continues to train, support and promote the American Karate System through his instructional endeavors.   He is co-editor (along with Mr. Sullenger) of the AKS "Punchline" newsletter.  He continues to hone his skills and techniques by attending seminars with such noted instructors as Tadashi Yamashita, Shorin-Ryu and Weapons Master, and by training with other talented black belts like Mr. David Hayes, 6th Dan Shorin-Ryu and Mr. Tom Twining, 6th Dan Chi Do Kwan Karate Do / 7th Dan AKA.





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